Amanda Timmons
Jun 30, 2016
Fish eat plastic like teens eat fast food, researchers say
The BBC recently reported how fish are drawn to plastic in the oceans. Young fish become hooked on eating plastic in the seas in the same...
Amanda Timmons
May 19, 2016
Human Developments Are Wiping Out The West’s Natural Land, Report Finds
An interesting article, originally posted in Huffington Post, as it relates to LEED site development, Location and Transportation and...
Apr 19, 2016
Here’s How To Get Cleaner Water For 700 Million People
An interesting article on how we can provide clean water for nearly a billion people. Courtesy the Huffington Post. When you think of...
Amanda Timmons, LEED AP
Mar 15, 2016
Pollution Causes Heat Island Effect on Ice Sheets
This article , originally posted in HuffPost Science, shows examples of heat island effect causing a positive feedback loop of melting...
Amanda Timmons
Feb 25, 2016
LEED v4 Screens for Toxic Chemicals
As outlined in a recent news story, some imported laminate flooring has been found to have excessive levels of formaldehyde, a known...
Amanda Timmons
Oct 21, 2015
Using Roundup? Think Twice
In a first-of-its-kind for California, the State has designated a main ingredient of Roundup - glyphosate - as a cancer-causing agent....
Amanda Timmons
Jun 9, 2015
"Fluorine is the tyrannosaurus rex of the periodic table"
A recent article from the BBC website has great refrigerant information for folks who take Ampajen's class for LEED accreditation. Check...