Amanda Timmons
Jul 2, 2015
Farming - on a rooftop?
First, there were green roofs - roofs that included plants as a part of design to reduce urban runoff and the heat island effect. The...
Amanda Timmons
May 29, 2015
Shared Workspaces: + and -
Today's rapidly changing demographics is supporting a major shift in office space. Gone are the days of cubical farms, and welcome to the...
Amanda Timmons
Apr 29, 2015
NY state buildings dim lights: two benefits
If you have gone through a LEED O+M certification or recertification, you probably know that reducing lighting energy usage is a top goal....
Apr 6, 2015
One person's garbage is another person'
The City of Denver recycles only 14% of its waste -- well below the rate of other major American cities. What if Denver could divert...
Mar 3, 2015
Affordable, reliable, clean energy? It's possible (and it must be)
Providing energy that is reliable and affordable - and with least impact to the environment - is one of the biggest issues and...